Welcome to Christian Wellness Living
Healing Space
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19) Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20) you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Being a Christian is much deeper than saying that you believe, it’s a lifestyle. Your WALK is what determines your faith. This workbook is designed to help believers to strengthen their WALK by nurturing their temples and improving their lifestyles that will help put their faith into action.
This workbook will cover:
- Prayer
- Positive Life Habits & Behavioral Development
- Nutritional
- Exercise
- Stress Reduction
and more!
(If you have trouble downloading your E-Book after purchasing please contact. (Click Here)
Being a Christian is much more than saying that you believe, it’s a lifestyle.
Your WALK is what determines your faith.
This these coaching hubs are designed to help believers to jumpstart and strengthen their WALK by increasing their faith and improving their physical wellness.
We will be going over the importance of:
Prayer & Deep Breathing
Positive Habits & Behavior Development
Nutritional Guidance
Exercise & Movement
Letting Go and MORE!
6-Month Online Course:
Live online coaching
Video lectures
Downloadable Workbook
Community support
12-Week Wellness Program:
In-person or Live online coaching
Community support
BONUS! (for both course & program)
Limited FREE registration to online fitness classes
Stronger connection with God
Self-awareness and love
Weight loss
Better eating habits
Stress reduction and more!